Dump, dump, dump, dump…

You probably don't know it, but a dump is a great thing if you are an author. It means you got one of those special little cardboard display things just for you in some store (hopefully many...

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Lori at Ninc!

Hi, all! I'm checking in from the Novelist Inc. conference in St. Louis. The actual conference starts today, but yesterday was dedicated to Forensics. It was chock full of some great information. I...

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Chasing Life down the street

Anyone else feel like they are chasing life down the street? That it's moving ahead of you a bit more every day? I didn't used to feel this way. I think it's the kids...who knew they came with such...

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Animals and books…

I did a panel a few months back about animals in fiction...or something like that. It was a surprisingly full room with surprisingly lively interaction between panel and attendees. But then again,...

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When I was little…

Over the past five or so years I've found myself saying this...anyone else? I feel all dirty and cliche when I do, but seriously, it is darn funny how we (humans) can find something to complain...

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