Happy Decoration Day…

I grew up in southern Missouri and Decoration Day was one of my favorite holidays. Never heard of it? Maybe you call it Memorial Day. Technically today at least, Decoration Day might not be held ON...

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When books arrive

Something people ask me a lot in interviews is how it feels to see your book on the shelf or to get the first copy. Do I celebrate? Things like that. My answer is usually that I don't. I toasted...

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To love a Trickster

Last weekend I was on a panel at OddCon titled People and Animals. It's a pretty wide topic and the conversation varied a lot, but one thing that came up (Okay, I think I brought it up...) were...

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Full Moon of Werewolves: The wrap up!

Full Moon of Werewolves Schedule This is it, the last day of a Full Moon of Werewolves. Big thanks to all the bloggers and all the blog visitors! It has been tons of fun and very educational. This...

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