Interview with Lucy Monroe

Yep, an interview! With Lucy Monroe. :) Lucy, hmm how to describe Lucy? Contemporary author? Sensual author? Author of historicals? Paranormals? Yes, to all. How about publishers? Brava, Harlequin,...

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I don't know if you have noticed, but I have added "the last 5 books I read" and "currently reading" to my sidebar. Little hint, if something shows in currently reading and then doesn't make it into...

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Minor characters=minor importance?

First Hi! I've been at the Wisconsin RWA annual conference. I was the chair this year. Yahoo! It is over. It was a great conference, but it is such a relief to have it behind me. Waves to anyone who...

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Are your characters cardboard?

Still chatting about Donald Maass and Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook. Thought I forgot, didn't you? This week it's multi-dimensional characters. Maass uses the Artemis Fowl novels to illustrate...

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