New York, New York
Today I'm going to NY--or more accurately am in New York. I'm posting this ahead of time because I decided not to bring my laptop. I always bring it and while it is great to have on the plane for...
Interview with Angry Romance Girl
I've never met Angry Romance Girl, but I stumbled upon her blog and thought she might provide an interesting and intellectual take on romance novels and how others perceive them... Basic Facts:...
Interview–Ann Voss Peterson, romantic suspense author
I met Ann Voss Peterson through my local RWA chapter, and she is one swell chick. :) She's always willing to answer my bizarre questions about synopses, plotting or police. And we just discovered we...
Cool online find a font tool…
Frequently when I'm designing a bookmark or other promotional material I find myself in the position of trying to match a font to a book cover. People who have not taken graphic arts classes tend to...
Interview with Kathryn Albright, Harlequin Historicals Author
Kathryn is a member of WisRWA with me, and about the sweetest person you'll ever meet. I was thrilled when I heard she'd sold her first book to Harlequin and I'm just as thrilled to have her visit...
Interview with Mystery Author Lonnie Cruse
Lonnie was one of the first published authors I met when I started writing seriously. We were both members of Sisters in Crime and she coordinated the critique groups. I was such a puppy then - so...