Plotting with The Hero’s Journey
There are many, many ways to plot a book. But, quite honestly, almost all of them... okay the good ones... all tie back in some way to The Hero's Journey. They may use different names for the steps...
What is The Hero’s Journey?
What is The Hero's Journey? It depends on who you ask. To a writer, it's a plotting method. To fans of mythology and folklore, it's a narrative pattern that human storytellers have followed since we...
How to Plot a Book – The W Plot
One of the most frequent questions I get is "How do I plot a book?" The answer, honestly, is that there are tons of different ways successful writers plot (or don't plot) books. Personally, I am a...
Using the Enneagram for Developing Characters
I discovered the Enneagram for developing characters a number of years ago. I came to it in a bit of a roundabout way. Basically, I discovered a site for character development with some cute names...
Make Your Characters Roar: Character Development Using Animal Totems
Character development can be hard work. You want to create characters who ring true, but who are also interesting and unique. You also want them to be consistent. You don't want them hopping from...
Writer Scams or the Questionable Expert
There are days I am overwhelmed with the number of people who want me to give them money, and I don't mean regular life bills. I mean "experts" who are going to tell me how to sell more books. Who...