
Plotting a Book Made Easy

Plotting a book scares a lot of authors. Developing characters and planning a book outline intimidates a lot of writers as well. But, honestly, none of these things are scary. They're fun. Really. The key to plotting a book, or planning a book outline, if that is how...

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Hero’s Journey Archetypes

The more you read on writing, the more you realize most concepts go back to a few shared sources or shared ideas. Archetypes are one of those concepts. Both Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung discuss archetypes. They are basically a part of our collective unconsciousness....

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How to Write a Book: 8 Steps

How to Write a Book or "How do I write a book?" is the most basic and yet the most complicated question I get from other writers. For fun, I plugged this question into Google and got some really bad advice. Like starting with the names of each chapter. Maybe that...

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A Scrooge Character Analysis

There are few characters more associated with Christmas than Ebenezer Scrooge. You have to wonder if when Charles Dickens created the penny-pinching misanthrope, he had any idea of the longevity Scrooge would enjoy, or that of all of Dickens' novels A Christmas Carol...

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