For Writers

Looking Back, 2011 The Year of the Author?

At some point in 2011 I read on some blog (that unfortunately I can’t remember the name of) that if 2010 was the year of the ebook, 2011 was the year of the author. I can live with that. In fact, after going through 2010 reading what to me were asinine claims by...

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New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions. I’m more of a goal setter, but the two are definitely closely related. So I thought this year I’d set a resolution or two, then follow-up in the New Year with more specific goals. So, what kind of resolutions should...

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You Suck, or How to Handle Bad Reviews

My favorite color is red; it used to be orange. My son’s used to be yellow, and now it is blue. My daughter went from purple to a cerulean blue. My husband...I’m not even sure. He’s kind of neutral on the topic. And here’s the deal, do I care that none of them like...

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Top How to Write Books for Writers

Top How to Write Books for Writers

The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers This is a great book to read and build on. It alone won't make "all clear," but it's a foundation book you have to read to get the most out of other theories. I mainly consider this a plotting book, but it has other...

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