For Writers

5 Must Checks in Book Revisions

I'm in the middle of book revisions right now for the third book in my Dusty Deals Mystery series.  I'm not actually done with the book yet, but I took a break from writing this novel to go back and revise a few things that were bugging me. I do this at times if...

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A No Stress Guide to World Building

I’m a big believer in a conversational approach to writing a synopsis which frequently is also part of my plotting. This Guide to World Building works with this same idea. Rather than going all left brain and filling out a list, I just sit back and let the ideas flow....

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Digital Self-Publishing Checklist

The first step is having a manuscript that you feel good about – good enough that you would send it off to agents or editors. Self-Publishing Checklist: 1.) Hire an editor. I know you just went through multiple rounds of critiques. Trust me. It isn’t enough. You still...

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How to Get Your Book Published

Lately, I've been getting a number of emails from people asking how to get their first book published. Enough that I realized there was still a need for some step-by-step guidelines on how to get your book published. So, you have a book and you want to get it...

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Writing Tip: Flashbacks in Fiction

Flashbacks are defined as a scene or piece of a scene from a past time that is interjected into an ongoing story. Flashbacks in fiction are usually presented as a memory of the point of view character, and many writers seem quite fond of adding them to their books....

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