For Writers

Websites for Writers: Definitions

Blog – Short for web log. Basically a public journal, but easy to update—no need for an ftp program and others can post responses just as easily. (The) Cloud or Cloud Computing - Documents and programs available via the "cloud" aka the Internet rather than on your...

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Websites for Writers: Content

So, you are set up with a domain name, you have a place for your site to live (aka web host) and you have a pretty new design filled with...what? As a writer, what content should your site have? Let's start with the absolute MUST HAVES. First and foremost, your BOOKS!...

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A Scrooge Character Analysis

There are few characters more associated with Christmas than Ebenezer Scrooge. You have to wonder if when Charles Dickens created the penny-pinching misanthrope, he had any idea of the longevity Scrooge would enjoy, or that of all of Dickens' novels A Christmas Carol...

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Techniques to Break Through Writer’s Block

Every November NanoWrimo rolls around and writers everywhere look for ways to crank out the pages as fast as they can...faster than your muse may want to move. Inevitably at some point you will find your fingers slowing and the words stopping, and you will be looking...

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National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo is Here

Every November something strange happens. Thousands of writers hunker down, writing until their fingers cramp and their eyes blur. A few stagger from their homes, blinking at the now foreign sun, to meet with other writers in coffee shops and libraries where they flip...

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