Top How to Write Books for Writers

August 2, 2011 | Books

The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers

This is a great book to read and build on. It alone won’t make “all clear,” but it’s a foundation book you have to read to get the most out of other theories. I mainly consider this a plotting book, but it has other elements too.

Goal, Motivation and Conflict: The Building Blocks of Good Fiction

This is a must read book. It’s kind of become a bible for plotting in the romance world and I’m always amazed when I speak to writers from other genre and assume they know what GMC (Goal, Motivation and Conflict) are–and they don’t. Your books, your scenes, your characters HAVE to have these three elements. If you don’t know what they are, this is a great easy-to-understand book to teach you.

Techniques of the Selling Writer

This book covers it all. It is a little harder to read and retain than say the Dixon book, but the advice is excellent. I do suggest you read Vogler’s book first. This book is the classic resource for understanding scene and sequel.

Elements of Fiction Writing – Plot

Not as essential as some of the others, but the theory of set pieces alone was worth it to me. It’s just a good overall guide to plot.

The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You’re Not

This book was actually suggested to me as part of a dialogue writing class. It has some great techniques for punching up your writing.

Dialogue: More Than Just Talk
This is a short workshop on writing dialogue that I put together. It isn’t very long, but I believe it has some great techniques in it that you can use immediately to vastly improve your dialogue.
You can buy it at Smashwords

The Plot Doctor by Carolyn Greene
This is a workbook put together by Carolyn Green based on a number of writing books. (Goal, Motivation and Conflict; The Writer’s Journey; etc.) It is a really great tool for the beginning plotter. You have to order it directly from the author.