Back from NY

The Ninc conference was fab. My favorite part was the atmosphere--everyone was so relaxed. For some reason at RWA National the place seems to buzz with nervous energy. But at Ninc I never felt that way, and hardly sensed that from anyone else. I think it's because...

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New York, New York

Today I'm going to NY--or more accurately am in New York. I'm posting this ahead of time because I decided not to bring my laptop. I always bring it and while it is great to have on the plane for writing, I don't wind up checking email because Internet service at...

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Interview with Angry Romance Girl

I've never met Angry Romance Girl, but I stumbled upon her blog and thought she might provide an interesting and intellectual take on romance novels and how others perceive them... Basic Facts: Single-ish. Likes Pink – deal with it. More of an angryromancecat person...

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