Great Villains…

Have you all read or seen The Devil Wears Prada? I just finished the movie last night--well kind of, the disc was cracked and stopped RIGHT at the end (but that's another story). Anyway, how great was Miranda? I mean really--did you love her or hate her or both?...

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Caridad Pineiro–Death Calls!!

Yay, another Nocturne author joins us. Caridad Pineiro was born in Havana, Cuba and settled in the New York Metropolitan area. Her vampire series, The Calling, debuted in 2005 with Danger Calls for Silhouette Intimate Moments. The stories continue next month with...

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What’s your story…question, that is…

I am in the process of reading Scene and Structure by Jack Bickham. I really recommend it, if you haven't read it yet. It takes a lot of information from Swain's book and makes them much easier (at least for me) to digest. Anyway, Bickham talks a lot about the story...

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Why we write…Edie Ramer

I thought it would be fun to interview a few aspiring authors--to see what keeps them going, why they write, and maybe to reinspire a few pubbed authors by reminding them of their original goals. I chose Edie Ramer for my first interview, because Edie is one of the...

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Interview with Lindsay McKenna

I am really excited to kick off what I hope will be monthly interviews with one or more Nocturne authors. The first two books will be in stores soon--look for them! For the debut month, I'm interviewing one of the launch authors, Lindsay McKenna. Lindsay has more than...

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Fangs for the Interview. :) Kathy Love

My friend Kathy Love is with us today. Yay, Kathy!! For those of you not in the know--Kathy writes romantic comedies for Zebra and vampires romances for Brava. If you like sexy and fun, you'll love Kathy Love. :) Q.) You started with romantic comedies set in Maine and...

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Interview time with Celia May Hart

Celia May Hart writes erotic romance for Kensington Aphrodesia. Her first book for them, Show Me, (being from Missouri, I love the title) is a Regency set historical, with a tad more spice than traditional. ;-) Welcome, Celia!! Q.) First tell us about your book; I...

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Charmed vs. Hex

In case you aren't familiar with these two series, Charmed is the story of three sister witches who fight demons, date (sometimes the demons they wind up fighting), and in general look way better in crop tops than any of us could ever dream of. Hex is a new series on...

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