How to Lure a Vampire

How to Lure a Vampire

With Buffy and now Twilight, vampires are  more popular than they have ever been. So popular that it can be exceedingly hard to get one to answer an invitation to dinner or just a quiet night out. So what’s a vampire loving guy or girl got to do to get one to answer...

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Digital Self-Publishing Checklist

The first step is having a manuscript that you feel good about – good enough that you would send it off to agents or editors. Self-Publishing Checklist: 1.) Hire an editor. I know you just went through multiple rounds of critiques. Trust me. It isn’t enough. You still...

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How to Get Your Book Published

Lately, I've been getting a number of emails from people asking how to get their first book published. Enough that I realized there was still a need for some step-by-step guidelines on how to get your book published. So, you have a book and you want to get it...

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Ghosts: Do You Believe?

Later this summer we are heading to Gettysburg, PA. I visited Gettysburg when I was around 12 and had no intention of returning – ever. However, when my husband and I were looking for a place to go on vacation Pennsylvania for some reason came to my mind and I started...

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On the Road in New Gulf Stream Travel Trailer!

On the Road in New Gulf Stream Travel Trailer!

When we lived in Montana and were care-free (read pre-kids) my husband and I had a fifth-wheel trailer that we loved. We bought the trailer to accommodate our (then) three dogs: a 120-pound malamute, a 75-pound Siberian husky and a 55-pound Aussie/German shepherd mix....

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