
Pirates, another intro….Jennifer Ashley

Our second Pirate-loving guest is Jennifer Ashley. Jennifer Ashley has lived and traveled all over the world, and now lives in the Southwest with her husband and cat. She started out writing historical romances, but has branched into all kinds of things, including...

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Pirates–the first leg…

And a peg leg at that. (I know, I know--so not funny.) Two authors have agreed quite nicely to answer a few questions about PIRATES. First---Darlene Marshall. Darlene longs for a little more swashbuckling in her life. To fill that void, she writes of piracy, smuggling...

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Interview with Shelley Bradley

What with printing and binding ARCs of my new release and finishing up a couple of proposals, I've gotten a bit behind in blogging. To make up for it, I've got a great interview today with Shelley Bradley. In addition to being a writer, Shelley is the creator of...

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Interview with Janice Lynn

You guessed it...interview time. I'm enjoying this--hope you all are too. This time I'm doing a series of sorts, three writers associated with the American Title Contest. First up Janice Lynn last year's winner. First tell us about your book and how you got published....

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Interview with Kate Pearce

I'd like to welcome Kate Pearce to my blog. Kate and I are both members of RWAonline and Your Virtual Book Bag. Kate's new release is a Regency set romantica published by Ellora's Cave. Q.) First tell us about your books. KP: Eden's Pleasure is a Regency-set erotic...

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Character Interview, Loving Miranda

This is something a little different for me, it's an interview, except instead of being with the author it's with a character. :) Miranda Chase is the heroine in my friend second book--Loving Miranda. For more information on the book, you can visit the Your Virtual...

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Interview with Lucy Monroe

Yep, an interview! With Lucy Monroe. :) Lucy, hmm how to describe Lucy? Contemporary author? Sensual author? Author of historicals? Paranormals? Yes, to all. How about publishers? Brava, Harlequin, Berkeley, Zebra? This woman is everywhere. What an inspiration....

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