
Interview with Angry Romance Girl

I've never met Angry Romance Girl, but I stumbled upon her blog and thought she might provide an interesting and intellectual take on romance novels and how others perceive them... Basic Facts: Single-ish. Likes Pink – deal with it. More of an angryromancecat person...

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Interview with Mystery Author Lonnie Cruse

Lonnie was one of the first published authors I met when I started writing seriously. We were both members of Sisters in Crime and she coordinated the critique groups. I was such a puppy then - so far as outlook, I had a few years on me otherwise. Anyway, Lonnie was a...

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Kathy Steffen, author interview

Kathy is one of my best and "real" friends--meaning we actually get together face-to-face and do fun things like lunch and whine. Her debut novel, First There is a River, came out this fall from Medallion Press and she agreed to stop by here and chat with us a bit....

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