

Cont'd... Q- Why not MORE pirates? With the popularity of Pirates of the Caribbean and the whole bad boy appeal, why do you think the romance genre seems to be skipping by them right now? Or do you think the romance genre isn’t skipping them? Darlene Marshall- "I...

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Pirates cont’d….

My interviews with Darlene Marshall and Jennifer Ashley about pirates continues... LD: So, what attracted you as an author to pirates? JA: "The bad-boy factor and the independence mentioned above. I wanted to write a Regency but without the rules. Well, a pirate...

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Back to the pirates…

Diving right in. :) LD: Why pirates? What attracts us to them? Jennifer Ashley: Who can resist a bad boy?I think pirates are always fascinating because they live life on their own terms, obeying no one's rules but their own carefully adhered to pirate code. Pirate...

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Pirates, another intro….Jennifer Ashley

Our second Pirate-loving guest is Jennifer Ashley. Jennifer Ashley has lived and traveled all over the world, and now lives in the Southwest with her husband and cat. She started out writing historical romances, but has branched into all kinds of things, including...

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Pirates–the first leg…

And a peg leg at that. (I know, I know--so not funny.) Two authors have agreed quite nicely to answer a few questions about PIRATES. First---Darlene Marshall. Darlene longs for a little more swashbuckling in her life. To fill that void, she writes of piracy, smuggling...

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