Plot a Book with a Clothesline

So you want to plot a book... Not every writer is a plotter; I realize that, but I'm also a strong believer that your writing will be more efficient if you have at least some idea where your story is going. So, if the idea of writing out a hundred scene cards or even...

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The Future of Writing/Thinking Outside the Book

Did the title throw you a bit? Over the past year there has been a lot of talk about the future of publishing--and if there IS a future in publishing--but no one seems to ask about the future of writing. Honestly? I think a lot of people think publishing and writing,...

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12 Ways to Finish Writing a Book

Procrastination... Life... so many things get in the way of actually finishing that book that you've been writing for what? Years? Ages? What can you do to get around whatever blocks are your path and finally just finish writing a book?  1. Be honest about why you...

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