Point of View Whiplash: Head Hopping

Head hopping. You've probably heard the term, but have you been accused of it? Do you know what head hopping is and why you want to avoid it? How to avoid it? When you sit down to write a story, you can start a lot of places—plot, character, setting—but very early you...

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Looking Back, 2011 The Year of the Author?

At some point in 2011 I read on some blog (that unfortunately I can’t remember the name of) that if 2010 was the year of the ebook, 2011 was the year of the author. I can live with that. In fact, after going through 2010 reading what to me were asinine claims by...

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30 Days of Vampires: Romantic Predator

30 Days of Vampires: Romantic Predator

Linda Robertson writes the Persephone Alcmedi series for Pocket/Juno books, the fifth book was released just a few days ago, Dec. 27. She hails from Mansfield, Ohio, is a mother of four boys and is currently a guitarist in the band Hagatha’s Bluff.  Her website is:...

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New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions. I’m more of a goal setter, but the two are definitely closely related. So I thought this year I’d set a resolution or two, then follow-up in the New Year with more specific goals. So, what kind of resolutions should...

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30 Days of Vampires: Versatile Vampires

30 Days of Vampires: Versatile Vampires

Mercy Loomis grew up in a haunted house, and has had quite enough of ghosts for one lifetime, thank you. Though she now lives in a 150-year-old house, it is remarkably ghost-free. (That, or they’re staying on the down-low. She doesn’t care which.) She finished writing...

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30 Days of Vampires: Vampires are HOT!

30 Days of Vampires: Vampires are HOT!

Award-winning author Terry Spear is the author of urban fantasy romances and medieval Highland romances. She received Publishers Weekly's Best Book of the Year in 2008 for Heart of the Wolf. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry is a librarian by day. She...

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