Author Interviews

Interview with Mystery Author Lonnie Cruse

Lonnie was one of the first published authors I met when I started writing seriously. We were both members of Sisters in Crime and she coordinated the critique groups. I was such a puppy then - so far as outlook, I had a few years on me otherwise. Anyway, Lonnie was a...

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Kathy Steffen, author interview

Kathy is one of my best and "real" friends--meaning we actually get together face-to-face and do fun things like lunch and whine. Her debut novel, First There is a River, came out this fall from Medallion Press and she agreed to stop by here and chat with us a bit....

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Caridad Pineiro–Death Calls!!

Yay, another Nocturne author joins us. Caridad Pineiro was born in Havana, Cuba and settled in the New York Metropolitan area. Her vampire series, The Calling, debuted in 2005 with Danger Calls for Silhouette Intimate Moments. The stories continue next month with...

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Why we write…Edie Ramer

I thought it would be fun to interview a few aspiring authors--to see what keeps them going, why they write, and maybe to reinspire a few pubbed authors by reminding them of their original goals. I chose Edie Ramer for my first interview, because Edie is one of the...

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Interview with Lindsay McKenna

I am really excited to kick off what I hope will be monthly interviews with one or more Nocturne authors. The first two books will be in stores soon--look for them! For the debut month, I'm interviewing one of the launch authors, Lindsay McKenna. Lindsay has more than...

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Fangs for the Interview. :) Kathy Love

My friend Kathy Love is with us today. Yay, Kathy!! For those of you not in the know--Kathy writes romantic comedies for Zebra and vampires romances for Brava. If you like sexy and fun, you'll love Kathy Love. :) Q.) You started with romantic comedies set in Maine and...

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