Head hopping. You've probably heard the term, but have you been accused of it? Do you know what head hopping is and why you want to avoid it? How to avoid it? When you sit down to write a story, you can start a lot of places—plot, character, setting—but very early you...
My office…my life…me
My office is featured over at Lisa Renee Jones’ blog today. I have to say you can tell a lot about me by looking at my wall and that isn’t really a coincidence. When I was young I read a book where a girl made a collage over her bed that was formed in a spiral. Each...
For Book Titles That Sell, Make it High Concept
There was a time when I would have argued titles don’t sell books. I would have been wrong. Now there is good reason behind my previous thinking. More often than not I don’t remember the actual title to the last book I read. I remember characters or plot or author,...
How do you know you are reading a romance?
This may seem like a strange question, but it is one I encounter a lot. Maybe not in the actual question form, but from people who think they know the answer and oh so obviously don't. In fact, even writers who say they write romance don't always know what makes a...
The Process…from manuscript to book from author’s point of view
Galleys for Amazon Ink arrived yesterday; corrections are due back to Pocket by Monday--which means I'm busy groaning and dreading. :) I posted a tongue in cheek note about this on Facebook and a number of people replied with congrats. Got me thinking maybe people...
Interview urban fantasy author, Chris Howard
Fav candy Gummi bears--and not those squishy, pretending to have something to do with real fruit flavor junk you see at the grocery store, but the original ones. There's a candy store in Hampton called Sanborn's where I get mine. Fav cartoon character I don't really...