My office…my life…me

November 11, 2010 | At Home

My office is featured over at Lisa Renee Jones’ blog today. I have to say you can tell a lot about me by looking at my wall and that isn’t really a coincidence. When I was young I read a book where a girl made a collage over her bed that was formed in a spiral. Each item said something about who she was in kind of a time line. I don’t know why, but that idea really struck a chord with me and stuck with me.

I’ve also always believed in energy—that people put it off and that places and things can hold that energy. That’s been a big part of my attraction to antiques, and the reason I will probably never go back to Gettysburg Pennsylvania…but that is another story.

Anyway, stop by Lisa’s if you want a peek. And while you are here, tell me…do you have a wall like this? Are there any objects that make you feel grounded? Because that is what the banjo and chain on my wall do for me, along with a few other items in my space.

Oh, and anyone else read the book I mentioned? She had just moved to this big old Victorian and I think it MIGHT have been Rosemary and Thyme or something like that….