A while back I did a post on how to format an ebook with Microsoft Word as your starting place. Since writing that I discovered a great tip that makes the process even easier, how to save italics when you have to strip all formatting from the original file. If you...
You Can’t Sell a Book by its Cover, or Can You?
A year ago I decided to start self-publishing. It was a slow start, but like many other self-pubbed authors, the holiday season (December 2010 and January 2011) were very kind to me. I was excited. I told my writer friends. Some shared my enthusiasm some didn’t. Many...
Neesha Meminger, young adult author embracing indie publishing
Neesha Meminger's first novel, Shine, Coconut Moon, made the Smithsonian's Notable Books for Children list and was selected as one of the Top 100 Books of 2009 by the New York Public Library's Stuff for the Teen Age. Her second novel, Jazz In Love, released to rave...
The Future of Writing/Thinking Outside the Book
Did the title throw you a bit? Over the past year there has been a lot of talk about the future of publishing--and if there IS a future in publishing--but no one seems to ask about the future of writing. Honestly? I think a lot of people think publishing and writing,...
How To Format an Ebook using Microsoft Word
People have opinions. If you are a writer, this should come as no surprise. What may surprise you is that there is no one way to format an ebook. There are a number of ways and a number of people who will swear their way is best. I, unlike many people, like Word. I...