The first step is having a manuscript that you feel good about – good enough that you would send it off to agents or editors. Self-Publishing Checklist: 1.) Hire an editor. I know you just went through multiple rounds of critiques. Trust me. It isn’t enough. You still...
Microsoft Word Tip: How to save italics!
A while back I did a post on how to format an ebook with Microsoft Word as your starting place. Since writing that I discovered a great tip that makes the process even easier, how to save italics when you have to strip all formatting from the original file. If you...
Looking Back, 2011 The Year of the Author?
At some point in 2011 I read on some blog (that unfortunately I can’t remember the name of) that if 2010 was the year of the ebook, 2011 was the year of the author. I can live with that. In fact, after going through 2010 reading what to me were asinine claims by...
How to Host a Blog Event and Why You Should
Tomorrow, December 1, I'm kicking off a blog event at my blog titled 30 Days of Vampires. I've done this event (along with its companion--A Full Moon of Werewolves) a couple of times now and while it is a ton of work, the pay off is pretty big too. Originally, I...