So far in our discussion of how to write a scene, we've talked about what scene is, both as many think of it and as Dwight Swain defines it in Techniques of the Selling Writer. We've also gone over the importance of sequel and showing your characters motivation. Today...
dwight swain
Book Review: Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight Swain
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain is one of those books every writer interested in creative write (aka fiction) really has to read. Unfortunately, due to the density of the prose, you really may not want to. And there I guess my book review could...
How to Write a Scene, Article Three- Show Motivation with Sequel
Article Three in How to Write a Scene - Show Motivation with Sequel by Lori Devoti, a How To Write Fiction Series. Sequel Defined: (Swain, Techniques of the Selling Writer) “A sequel is a unit of transition that links two scenes....It sets forth your focal...
How to Write a Scene, Article Two, Scene Structure: Goal, Conflict, Disaster
Article Two in How to Write a Scene, Scene Structure: Goal, Conflict, Disaster by Lori Devoti, a How To Write Fiction Series. Goal, Conflict, Disaster is the basic scene structure of every good scene and yes, this means every scene should have these three elements,...
How to Write a Scene– Article 1: Scenes in fiction
Article One in How to Write a Scene, Scenes in Fiction by Lori Devoti, a How To Write Fiction Series. When I first started writing I sat through a number of workshops where multi-published NY Times-best-selling authors would spout what are and aren't scenes in...