Full Moon of Werewolves: The Midnight Cravings Anthology & Win a Copy!

April 9, 2009 | Werewolves | 49 comments

Full Moon of Werewolves Schedule

About today’s guest: Lori Devoti
Well, you know about me. If not, this is my blog. I write dark paranormal romances for Silhouette Nocturne and urban fantasy for Pocket Juno books.

This month I am part of a couple of anthologies. One is Midnight Cravings–see the cover? Love, right? This anthology is a collection of Bites–short stories previously only sold as e-reads. There are six authors included: Michele Hauf, Karen Whiddon, Anna Leonard, Vivi Anna, Bonnie Vanak and Me! We were all pretty excited about the anthology and wanted to do something to share that excitement. We banded together and this week each of us is giving away a copy. So, while it says below that I am giving away a copy, by visiting the other authors blogs this week you can have SIX chances to win!

Midnight CravingsHere’s the schedule:

April 6th – Michele Hauf

April 7th – Bonnie Vanak

April 8th – Karen Whiddon

April 9th – Lori Devoti

April 10th – Anna Leonard

April 11th – Vivi Anna

One lucky commenter will win a copy of Midnight Cravings. Just leave a comment on this post to be entered. Winner will be announced at end of Full Moon promotion. Last day to enter (here, other authors may end their contests different times) Saturday, April 25th at midnight central U.S. time.

Now here’s a brief write up for each story. Oh AND this does fit in the Full Moon theme because most of the stories are werewolf stories. Although mine is a…hellhound. :blush:

Mahina’s Storm by Vivi Anna
She was a tough-as-nails cop, all business and always in conrol. But Mahina Garner was also lycan, with strength, speed…and a powerful primitave nature. So when she was barely missed by a silver bullet during a raid she led, it ate at her confidence and disturbed her peace of mind. Only was it the near brush with death that so unnerved her, or the fact that she’d been saved by Ren Calder?

Mahina had always preferred her relationships uncomplicated, temporary and lightweight. But Ren stirred something in her that made her seriously uncomfortable. Determined to get him out of her system, she escaped into the night and into her wolf form, to quiet the turmoil within her. So she was surprised…and surprisingly thrilled…to find Ren following her, equally determined to make her his own.

Racing the Moon by Michele Hauf
Dean Maverick, werewolf, is racing against the full moon when his truck breaks down in the middle of nowhere. A sexy female mechanic named Sunday assesses the damage–and Dean.

It’ll take a day for parts to arrive; Sunday offers the spare bedroom above her shop for him to stay the night. Dean doesn’t have a day, or even a few hours. When the full moon is high in the sky, his inner wolf will emerge–unless he can appease it beforehand with sex.

Being a familiar isn’t easy for Sunday–sex is a conduit for demons to enter the mortal realm. Most familiars can control this power, but Sunday can’t. Every time she climaxes, a demon bridges to this realm, and they’re not always friendly. But she can’t deny the feral need to helpslake Dean’s lust.

Can a cat and wolf get beyond their prejudices–and overcome their own problems–to bring the wolf to a howling submission?

Captured by Lori Devoti
The dark elf who slashed him must have graced the tip of his sword with a drug. Because that was the last thing Gray Barsk remembered until he awakened in a dark cell…and he was not alone. Immediately he sensed a female nearby. Then she attacked!

After years of captivity, Leve refused to surrender. This male was the latest in a series of hellhounds they’d forced on her. But Gray was different…unlike the others, he somehow had control over his primitive instincts and could not be manipulated by their captors.

Now, for a chance to turn the tables on their tormentors and escape the nightmare of Kamp Arena, where hellhounds were bred for fighting, Leve would have to overcome her fear and distrust, and join forces with this singular male. But to fool their captors, they had to pretend to be avid mates…and their ruse was stirring very real passion in both of them.
Read an Excerpt!

Dreamcatcher by Anna Leonard
Emma had always taken care of everyone else. But recently she’s too tired, too drained to even get out of bed. Her body aches, and her thoughts are confused… until one day she collapses at work, and is=2 0rushed to the hospital.

Her parents arrange for an at-home nurse to come and stay with her until she recovers. Expecting a no-nonsense woman in a white uniform, Emma instead gets Matthew — sinfully good-looking in jeans and a t-shirt. Matthew is determined to get Emma well again, whatever it takes…but does he have an ulterior motive?. Shaken by her attraction to him, and disturbed by lust-filled dreams he inspires, Emma and Matthew must fight their own desires in order to defeat a centuries-old curse that demands one of them die….

Mate of the Wolf by Karen Whiddon
Rule Number One–Date only Pack members. She knew he was definitely not part of the Pack, but the immediate intense attraction Allie felt for Kane overwhelmed her good sense and convinced her to toss her rules out the window. The fact that she couldn’t detect his scent did not concern her–she knew he was unlike any man she’d ever known, and she had to be with him, whatever the cost.

He couldn’t believe she didn’t recognize him–he’d known instantly what she was. After four hundred years, Kane had finally found his Svetla, his one true mate. But a union between their two races was expressly forbidden. So now it was time for Kane to break some rules of his own….

Broken Souls by Bonnie Vanak
She was forbidden by the Draicon to cast the blood-to-blood spell. But Katia was determined to find her father, and the spell was her only option. The Draicon had taken her into their pack when her own family had been destroyed by the Morphs. But Katia had never given up hope that her father was still alive, and refused to mate for life with her beloved Baylor until she found him. Now Baylor had given her an ultimatum, and Katia was forced to take drastic measures.

But when Katia’s spell summoned a Morph claiming to be her father, nothing Baylor said could convince her of the danger. Baylor knew too well the cost of trusting a loved one who’d turned and desperately wanted to save Katia the pain he’d lived with for so long. He also knew that if he spared the Morphy, it would destroy Katia, but if he killed this evil being, he risked losing her love forever.

Buy Lori’s books:


  1. RFLong

    These all look so good I wouldn’t know where to begin!

    Can’t wait to read.

  2. Jamie

    Wow these stories look fabulous!! I can’t wait to get my hands on them.

  3. kanarytx

    They sound terific. I thank you Lori for your post. Can’t wait to read it.

  4. Dawn

    I love the way you describe the, “fires of hell in his eyes.” I was hooked from the excerpt alone. :)

  5. Chris

    This one’s definitely on my TBR list – I’m looking forward to it!

  6. LadyVampire2u

    Love the blurbs! Sounds like one awesome book that I’m definitely going to have to get a copy of.

  7. Teresa W.

    I’d love to get a copy of this!

  8. Barb P

    Great authors! Great Stories! Great Cover! What more could an avid reader ask for? I really want this book! Have a good one.

  9. Mishel

    I’d really really love a copy of this!! :mrgreen:

  10. Lori Ann

    All the stories in Midnight Cravings sound great! I cannot wait to read it.

  11. RachieG

    Love the cover!! :) I’ve been watching this one on Amazon..Please count me in! :)

  12. DinahT

    Sounds really, really good.

  13. Roberta Harwell

    Count me in. Would love to win this book. Have a great day.

  14. Kathryn S.

    The cover is awesome. Looks and sounds like an amazing read!

  15. Audrey A

    That’s an awesome collection of stories. I’m definitely going to read it and I’d love to win a copy.

  16. Jenna Reynolds

    I already have a copy but I can tell you that Lori’s story is great! :D

  17. Elektra Hammond

    Can’t wait to see this one. Sounds awesome.

  18. Jody F.

    All these books sound so good! I’ll be adding them to my to-be-read list.

  19. Eva S

    I’d love to win this book! I love wolves, and a hellhound sounds interesting…

  20. Colleen

    I love anthologies… Such a great group of stories and authors! I have to get my hands on a copy! :D

  21. Ashley Madden

    I’ve actually wanted a copy of this for some time now, so I’m glad I can get a chance at it! The cover is awesome!

  22. Lisa W.

    Wow these sound really good and the cover is great.

  23. Ley

    I won a copy of this last week from Bonnie Vanak on a blog interview! I can’t wait for it to get here so I can dig in. I’ve read stories by almost all the authors, so I know they’ll be good. :D

  24. Gillian

    They all sound great!

  25. Carmen R

    I love Anthologies, It gives a chance to read stories from authors I love and also find new authors that I may not know much about.

  26. Estella

    The stories all sound great!

  27. Deirdre

    :D I’m looking forward to these stories!

  28. Jane

    Looking forward to reading the Midnight Cravings anthology.

  29. Nicole S

    Sounds like an awesome book!

  30. Cathy D

    Midnight Cravings sounds great. Looking forward to reading it.

  31. Marie

    All the stories sound great!

  32. Zita

    Due to a lingering winter, and (consequently) a delayed spring here in the frozen north, I really, really need this book :mrgreen: Really.


  33. Lori

    Thanks everyone! Especially Jenna who was a Beta reader for me on this one. :) I’m giving away two copies–one for this post and one in the grand prize. Then with the other authors’ giveaways that makes 7 chances to win!

  34. Amy S.

    Sounds great!

  35. blackroze37@yahoo.com

    really looking forward to AMAZON INK
    and also MIDNIGHT CRAVINGS :mrgreen:

  36. Pam P

    Love to win this, don’t have them all yet, and love that cover.

  37. Caffey

    I’ve been so excited when I heard they put the stories to an anthology!! This so will be a keeper! Do please count me in! Thanks

  38. Sue

    I love love the cover. I would love to get my hands on a coy. Thanks for the oppurtunity to win one. :D

  39. pamk

    love anthologies cause it give me a chance to try and new authors. And sometimes finding a fav. that is how i found Kresley Cole lol

  40. Terri W.

    I love the cover and definately enter me in the contest!


    Terri W.

  41. Erin

    I’ve read some of these already, but I’d love to have them all in print format. Please enter me in the contest.

  42. Deborah

    These stories sound fabulous! I love the cover! Please count me in!

  43. Ilona

    Please add me to the hat – I love the sound of these stories.

  44. Venus Cahill

    I’ve been to 4 stores looking for this and can’t find it. I have a standing subscription for Nocturne so I don’t miss anything. I wish this had been included.

  45. Lori

    Venus, you might ask the store to order it in for you. They can do that and they don’t charge you anything extra at all.

  46. Joni

    I definitely want to put my name in the hat on this one.

  47. Margie

    I would love to have a copy of this one! Thanks for the contest!

  48. ann marie

    Thanks for the blurbs, I’m so buying this book , If I don’t win :wink:
    Thanks for the giveaway and happy easter.

  49. Karin

    This looks like a great anthology!