News & Notices

Recipe: Pork Chop Sandwich

Recipe: Pork Chop Sandwich

There's a restaurant in Butte, Montana called Pork Chop John's. If you are ever there, I highly recommend stopping by.  The "meat" of the sandwich is a breaded and fried slice of pork tenderloin. It's served on a hamburger roll with traditional hamburger fixings......

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Top Pick for The Witch Thief from Romantic Times Magazine!

Top Pick for The Witch Thief from Romantic Times Magazine!

It's only a couple of weeks now until the 6th book in the Unbound series hits stores. It is a May release but will actually be out mid-April. The good news-- aside from that-- is that The Witch Thief got a Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine! TOP PICK, Romantic...

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30 Days of Vampires: Versatile Vampires

30 Days of Vampires: Versatile Vampires

Mercy Loomis grew up in a haunted house, and has had quite enough of ghosts for one lifetime, thank you. Though she now lives in a 150-year-old house, it is remarkably ghost-free. (That, or they’re staying on the down-low. She doesn’t care which.) She finished writing...

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#SixSunday Okay seven, lines from #vampire romance, Trust Me

#SixSunday Okay seven, lines from #vampire romance, Trust Me

His gaze intense, Harry ran his thumb over the line of her lip, then swirled it down over her chin. A thrill shot through her, burning away any and all doubt. She wanted to stay. His lips curved into a smile. “I’ll get someone to get your bags from your car.” The...

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