Writing Tips

Setting the Scene in a Story

You are reading along, a scene ends a new one begins and... Wait... Where am I? Who am I with? WHAT IS HAPPENING? I'm lost... Have you ever had this experience? If so, that writer was guilty of not setting the scene in their story or as I sometimes call it, not...

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What are Beats in Fiction Writing?

Beats in Fiction Writing? Honestly, beats isn't a term I use a lot, but it is a term I hear a lot, so I thought it would be good to define what beats in fiction are and why they matter. Beats in Fiction Writing Defined According to Sandra Scofield in her book, The...

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Writing Tip: Flashbacks in Fiction

Flashbacks are defined as a scene or piece of a scene from a past time that is interjected into an ongoing story. Flashbacks in fiction are usually presented as a memory of the point of view character, and many writers seem quite fond of adding them to their books....

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12 Ways to Finish Writing a Book

Procrastination... Life... so many things get in the way of actually finishing that book that you've been writing for what? Years? Ages? What can you do to get around whatever blocks are your path and finally just finish writing a book?  1. Be honest about why you...

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