
Looking Back, 2011 The Year of the Author?

At some point in 2011 I read on some blog (that unfortunately I can’t remember the name of) that if 2010 was the year of the ebook, 2011 was the year of the author. I can live with that. In fact, after going through 2010 reading what to me were asinine claims by...

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New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions. I’m more of a goal setter, but the two are definitely closely related. So I thought this year I’d set a resolution or two, then follow-up in the New Year with more specific goals. So, what kind of resolutions should...

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You Suck, or How to Handle Bad Reviews

My favorite color is red; it used to be orange. My son’s used to be yellow, and now it is blue. My daughter went from purple to a cerulean blue. My husband...I’m not even sure. He’s kind of neutral on the topic. And here’s the deal, do I care that none of them like...

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12 Ways to Finish Writing a Book

Procrastination... Life... so many things get in the way of actually finishing that book that you've been writing for what? Years? Ages? What can you do to get around whatever blocks are your path and finally just finish writing a book?  1. Be honest about why you...

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Techniques to Break Through Writer’s Block

Every November NanoWrimo rolls around and writers everywhere look for ways to crank out the pages as fast as they can...faster than your muse may want to move. Inevitably at some point you will find your fingers slowing and the words stopping, and you will be looking...

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National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo is Here

Every November something strange happens. Thousands of writers hunker down, writing until their fingers cramp and their eyes blur. A few stagger from their homes, blinking at the now foreign sun, to meet with other writers in coffee shops and libraries where they flip...

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