30 Days of Vampires, The Ultimate Vamp List

December 4, 2008 | Vampires, 30 Days of Vampires | 20 comments

30 Days of Vampires Schedule

By Michele Hauf
Are you addicted to vampire stories? I have been for years. It started with Anne Rice, and now that the romance genre has literally exploded with vampires, I feel my addiction will be nicely fed for years to come.

I also have a seriously weird need to make lists. So, about a dozen years ago, I started a humble list of vampire fiction, and put it up online. I call it The Ultimate VampList.

It had about a hundred titles when it first started in the mid-90s. Well, it’s grown to monstrous size (over 4000 titles listed) and I now have it categorized by genre with the vampire realm, such as: romance/erotica, mystery, horror, action/adventure, sci/fi, non-fiction, young adult, manga, and a few others. I didn’t set out to create a complex bibliography with exacting details. What I wanted was the most thorough list I could create of vampire titles. A list a person could refer to if they are looking for something new in their favorite vampire genre. A sort of shopping list, if you will. Print it up and start checking off all those titles you’ve read, and start hunting for those you have not. (I’ve linked most titles to Amazon, not because I want to sell them, but simply so readers can start there for further research on any specific title.)

So you think you’ve read a lot of vampire books? Go check the list. I bet there’s a lot you’ve missed. :-)

The Devil To PayThe fourth story in my Bewitch the Dark series, which pits vampires against witches, is out in January! Romantic Times Magazine rated it as a Top Pick.

It is Ivan Drake’s story. Remember at the end of Kiss Me Deadly, the heroine and hero sorta, kinda, accidentally promised their first born to the devil Himself? Well, THE DEVIL TO PAY is that child’s story. Quite a lot to be born into this world with–knowing your soul belongs to the devil.
But Ivan is up for the challenge, with a little help from a mysterious witch who guards all spells ever cast.


And here’s Michele Hauf’s Bloody Fruit Salad

Blood Orange/Pomengranate

Above is a list of the fruits I like to use, but gather whatever sorts you like and what is in season. Cut, cube and ball the fruit into a bowl (all except the blood orange or pomengranate). Then, slice blood orange in half and squeeze the (bloody) juice over all. If the orange is not in season, pomegranate seeds will work too. Crush them (and avoid the bloody spatter; wicked good fun!) and then pour over all.

Order Michele’s books:
The Devil To Pay
Winter Kissed: A Kiss Of FrostIce Bound
His Forgotten Forever
Dark Rapture
Midnight Cravings


  1. Jenna Reynolds

    Wow! What an amazing list and a fantastic resource!

  2. Deidre

    Isn’t it wonderful that we have so many wonderful vamp books to choose from?

    I didn’t realize that Ruby Jean Jensen had a vampire novel. I’ll have to check it out.


  3. Danielle

    Hi Michele! I just e-mailed you last night! How cool that your here on this blog today! :mrgreen:

    I’m looking forward to your release “The Devil To Pay”… can’t wait! :D

  4. Colleen

    Thanks for the Bloody Fruit Salad recipe… I will definitely try it!

  5. Michele

    A person could really go nuts with that list. So many vampires, so little time to read them all.

    Danielle, got your email; will reply soon.

    I like making that fruit salad around Halloween. But it’s good anytime of the year, and if you make it with kids, they think it fun to squeeze in the ‘blood’.

  6. Brooke

    Fun recipe! I’ll have to try that one out. :D

  7. blackroze37

    gosh, used to couldnt find paranormal books hardly at all and now, YIPPEE there are tons, but also hard to see all of them

  8. Karin

    That’s quite a list. I definitely haven’t read anywhere close to that many vampire novels. I guess I need to get to work on that. lol

    Thanks for sharing the list!

  9. Danielle

    im tempted to try that recipe… though fruit is so exspensive here right now :???:

  10. Kimberly B.

    Oooh, I’ve really enjoyed the Bewitching the Dark series! And that recipe sounds fabulous!

  11. Pam P

    Awesome list you have going, MIchele, and thanks for the bloody fruit.

  12. Liviania

    Great recipe – I love fruit salads.

  13. Margie

    Great list! I’m looking forward to The Devil To Pay. And thank you for the recipe. I’m always on the lookout for new recipes!

  14. Debbie

    Thanks for the recipe, Michele! I’ll definitely have to try the Bloody Fruit Salad. :D

  15. annalisa

    Thanks for the fabulous vampire list!! :D

  16. Carmen R

    Now I am craving fruit salad. I have to try your recipe sometime. the Ultimate VampList is too cool. it will make my life easier when it comes to searching for books.

  17. Pan Zareta

    Thank you for the awesome vampire list!

  18. Debby

    Wow what a great job!!

  19. Lori T

    Hi Michele~

    What a cool site! I have added it to my favorites and I will revisit it often..even with just my first glance there were several books and authors that I had not heard of and their books look really interesting. Thansk for sharing it.

  20. Michelle B.

    Thanks for the info on another excellent vamp author it is great to have another name to add to my wishlist…